Minggu, 25 September 2011


I remember what you wore on the first day
You came into my life and I thought
"Hey, you know, this could be something"
'Cause everything you do and words you say
You know that it all takes my breath away
And now I'm left with nothing

So maybe it's true
That I can't live without you
And maybe two is better than one
But there's so much time
To figure out the rest of my life
And you've already got me coming undone
And I'm thinking two is better than one

I remember every look upon your face
The way you roll your eyes
The way you taste
You make it hard for breathing
'Cause when I close my eyes and drift away
I think of you and everything's okay
I'm finally now believing

That maybe it's true
That I can't live without you
And maybe two is better than one
But there's so much time
To figure out the rest of my life
And you've already got me coming undone
And I'm thinking two is better than one

I remember what you wore on the first day
You came into my life and I thought, "Hey,"

Maybe it's true
That I can't live without you
Maybe two is better than one
But there's so much time
To figure out the rest of my life
And you've already got me coming undone
And I'm thinking
I can't live without you
'Cause, baby, two is better than one
But there's so much time
To figure out the rest of my life
But I'll figure it out
When all is said and done
Two is better than one
Two is better than one

Are you lonesome tonight,

Are you lonesome tonight, 
Do you miss me tonight? 
Are you sorry we drifted apart? 
Does your memory stray to a brighter summer day 
When I kissed you and called you sweetheart? 
Do the chairs in your parlor seem empty and bare? 
Do you gaze at your doorstep and picture me there? 
Is your heart filled with pain, shall I come back again? 
Tell me dear, are you lonesome tonight? 

I wonder if you're lonesome tonight 
You know someone said that the worlds a stage 
And each must play a part. 
Fate had me playing in love you as my sweet heart. 
Act one was when we met, I loved you at first glance 
You read your line so cleverly and never missed a cue 
Then came act two, you seemed to change and you acted strange 
And why I'll never know. 
Honey, you lied when you said you loved me 
And I had no cause to doubt you. 
But I'd rather go on hearing your lies 
Than go on living without you. 
Now the stage is bare and I'm standing there 
With emptiness all around 
And if you wont come back to me 
Then make them bring the curtain down. 

Is your heart filled with pain, shall I come back again? 
Tell me dear, are you lonesome tonight?

~~~you know what this song make me can't stop cry ~~

Tears For Fears - Mad World

I really like this song, the song that tells about the fragility of youth,and this song is very touching   '(

All around me are familiar faces
worn out places, worn out faces
Bright  and early for their daily races
going nowhere, going now here

their tears are fillin`up their glasses
no expression, no expression
Hide my head I want to drown my sorrow
No tomorrow, no tomorrow
And I find it kind of funny
I find it kind of sad
The dreams in which I'm dying
Are the best I've ever had
I find it hard to tell you
'Cos I find it hard to take
When people run in circles
It's a very, very
Mad World
Children waiting for the day they feel good
Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday
Made to feel the way that every child should
Sit and listen, sit and listen
Went to school and I was very nervous
No one knew me, no one knew me
Hello teacher tell me what's my lesson
Look right through me, look right through me 

we're Not Gonna Take It !

I really love this song, "we're Not Gonna Take It", so check this out :D

Oh We're Not Gonna Take It
no, We Ain't Gonna Take It
oh We're Not Gonna Take It Anymore

we've Got The Right To Choose And
there Ain't No Way We'll Lose It
this Is Our Life, This Is Our Song
we'll Fight The Powers That Be Just
don't Pick Our Destiny 'cause
you Don't Know Us, You Don't Belong

oh We're Not Gonna Take It
no, We Ain't Gonna Take It
oh We're Not Gonna Take It Anymore

oh You're So Condescending
your Gall Is Never Ending
we Don't Want Nothin', Not A Thing From You
your Life Is Trite And Jaded
boring And Confiscated
if That's Your Best, Your Best Won't Do

we're Right/yeah
we're Free/yeah
we'll Fight/yeah
you'll See/yeah

oh We're Not Gonna Take It
no, We Ain't Gonna Take It
oh We're Not Gonna Take It Anymore

oh We're Not Gonna Take It
no, We Ain't Gonna Take It
oh We're Not Gonna Take It Anymore
no Way!

we're Right/yeah
we're Free/yeah
we'll Fight/yeah
you'll See/yeah

we're Not Gonna Take It
no, We Ain't Gonna Take It
we're Not Gonna Take It Anymore

we're Not Gonna Take It, No!
no, We Ain't Gonna Take It
we're Not Gonna Take It Anymore

just You Try And Make Us
we're Not Gonna Take It
come On
no, We Ain't Gonna Take It
you're All Worthless And Weak
we're Not Gonna Take It Anymore
now Drop And Give Me Twenty
we're Not Gonna Take It
oh Crinch Pin
no, We Ain't Gonna Take It
oh You And Your Uniform
we're Not Gonna Take It Anymore

My childhood dream ;p

Flash back lg , dlu gue pnya shabat kecil cwo nama'a *** , yah kdg klo gue liburan gue srg maen sm ni anak, smpe suatu hri gue maen di ruma dy trs nntn film ap gitu pokok'a gue lyt sceen spasang pengantin lg jln di altar, cwe'a pke gaun putih panjang n cwo'a pke jas, trs mrka ciuman krn cwo'a tinggi cwe'a trpksa jinjit #eeeaaa , trs ud nntn it gue blg k tmn gue nih "kak, ak pengen deh kalo uda gede kyk gt, pake gaun yg cantik trs ciuman smbil jinjit" wkwk | "kk janji ,nnti klo kt ud sm2 gede ,kk bkl lakuin hal yg sm k km kyk yg di tv td" krik~ |
ud it klo ga slh gue pegi k blkng rumah'a dy, klo gasalh dlu it dblkng rumah'a ad ruma pohon, kt srg maen dsna, trs dy bwa kotak yg smpe skrg ak gtw ap isinya , dy gali tanah dibwh pohon it pakek sendok nasi (what? sendok nasi, wkwk, maklum msi kecil gakuat pgng cangkul) trs kotak it dy kubur. bru dy blg k ak "kt bkl sma2 buka kotak ini nnti klo kt ud sgede org yg di tv td" | "isinya apa kak" | "anak kecil gabole tw :p" | ud it ak nangis gra2 g dkasi tw isinya tp dy hibur ak trs dg lelucon'a yg bnr2 garing, hahaha. trs dy blg "km hrs janji klo ud gede nnti hrus nikah sm ak! gbole sm yg laen" | "haha, iya" ~~ mklum msi kecil gngrti. tp kta2 it ak anggep srius, smpe skrg ak msi brhrp klo yg dy omongin bkn skdr janji msa kecil aja, tp knytaan'a ak g sma dy, dy ud tunangan sm cwe yg disetujuin mama'a n cwe it bkn ak, n ak sndri ud pnya cwo. tp jujur aja prsaan ak k dy msi ad smpe saat ini, masih -_-"

Sabtu, 24 September 2011

Angel !

Entah knapa blog gue gue kasi judul "Angel's Hand" /tangan malaikat u,u .sdngkan blog pribadi gue , gue kasi nama "Hero of Angel" / Pahlawan sang malaikat . . hahaha ntah sjk kpn gue jd suka sm ssuatu berbau "Angel" . gue rsa ad yg ngrti wkwk, ntahla tp gue suka , jgn resek yah ;p


lgi bongkar2 lemari eh ketemu boneka lama. #flashback Uda lama bgt nih, cerita'a gue sm cwo gue *deniz ke game centre trs ni cwo gue maen mesin ambil boneka gt, uda maen brp x tp g dpt2 , trs cwo gue nendang tuh mesin sking keselnya ampe dimarahin , wkwk, cwo gue maen lg tuh dan binggo dapet ! dy langsung peluk gue, #lebaybangetgaksi dikasi deh tuh boneka ke gue, trs dy blg "kasi nama beny ya" | "jelek bgt sih namaya, wkwk" | "trsrh pokok'a nama'a beny, ahaha" | maksa nih cwo suru kasi nama tuh boneka beny #jeleknamanya ,wkwkw. ni boneka'a : 


i'm so tired n sleepy right now, bye bloggers and see you next time ^^


dy beruba bnyk, aneh bgt ga biasanya dy ngomong sedewasa it, yg ak tw dy tuh serawutan, gtw mna omongan'a yg baik yg engak. tp x ini bda bgt, cr ngomong'a it lo ngasih liat kedewasaan dy, cr dy maen piano, biarpun suara'a ga mndungkung sih --", tp gue rsa smpe sni dy ud byk bljr. dy ajarin ak bhs inggris, maenin ak bbrp lagu, so sweet bgt >< , dan sjk kpan gombalan dy ga sealay dlu u,u . klo aja suara dy bagus n jago masak, uda deh perfect bgt deh -,- . tp syg'a dr dl ampe skrg dr webcam atw lngsung kedipan mta dy ga prna bs buat ak deg-degan kyk yg dilakuin_____ dan trlebih prsan gue msi sma, g ad cinta cm skdr suka doang ;(

Satnite w/ my lovely "LAPTOP" !

malam ap sih ini , malam apa sih ya? #purapurabego , malming kah -,- . Malming it saat plng nyksa buat psngan2 yg LDR, yg stuju angkt tgn ! krn disaat org2 pd jlan sm pcr'a msing2 ,kt'a diruma cm bs telponan doang sm pcr dr jauh, kek dr kutub utara ke kutub selatan #eeeaaalebayy . untung'a ad laptop ku trcinta yg siap menemani , hahaha. :* . demiapapun klo gni cra'a gue mnding pcran ama laptop aja deh ya, buakakaka~~

tugas gambar -

Cerita'a nih disekola disuru gambar ekspresi prsaan masing2 , yah krn gue lg stres dan bingung cmpur aduk jd gue gmbr kek gni

trs dipinggir2 gambar'a tuh ada puisi'a hahaha yg isinya :
Dalam nyala yang berkobar
ditengah ladang api. . .
nyawa-nyawa melebur menjadi satu
jiwa-jiwa yang tercerai berai menjadi tiada
tubuh kering yang hancur menjadi abu,
semuanya menjerit pada langit
"turunkan hujan !"
memohon dan mengiba
tapi langit tak menangis
langit tak mau peduli
tidak sedikitpun !

yaaah, cm org2 trtentu yg mngrti mksd dr puisi it, jk anda bkn slah stu'a mungkin anda kurang beruntung, lupakan, tak usa dipikirkan. wkwkwk :D

Kuliaaa !!

Skrg ud kls 12 kan, lg bingung2a kulia dmna, jurusan apa bla2 , . .gue bingung mw ambil jurusan IT, management, atw design interior , sbnr'a mw cba ke raffles design institute singapore tapiietapii blom bs diproses musti kirim nilai'a ksna --", stress deh mikirin'a mna msala rapot blom slesaaii, blom lgi gmna cba ngirim'a scaara gue gaprnah kirim surat atw apa gt ke snaa, setdah . makin strees guee, simama sm tata suru k sydney atw england ! NO ! gue pnya alasan buat it, gaperlu tw deh ya -,- . bingungdehbingung giladegila mikirin ini doang , aaaahhh LET IT FLOW aja deh ! -______-"


Frontal aja deh nama cowo gue Deniz Aditya Pratama , Cowo kaya, sok, nyebelin , sombong, kmana2 bwa carbio, dompet tebel, playboy kls kakap yg lg ambil kulia "advocat" di england. :DD, gtw deh knp gue bs CLBK sm nih cwo , bukan clbk sih, soal'a prtma pcrn it jg krn trpksa bkn cinta u,u . gue jg gmn y sm dy skrg, dblg serius ? ga ah, biasa aj, gmw dibwa ribet, klo di seriusin, nnti putus nangis ayam lgi, ahahah . Cinta sih ga, cmn suka, sayang dikit sih, nama'a org pcran psti ad rsa syang'a lah biarpun cm "dikit" wkwk. uda ah, nnti klo org'a baca mati gaya deh gue ;p

Heyho my blog ! long time no see :D

stlah skian lama vacum dr ni blogg, heeyyy ! i'm come back !!
hayyuuu yg kangen ama gue tunjuk tangan !!
sorry yak, maklum lebi sring nge-blog di blog pribadi :D . . .
anyyeonghaseo chigudeul , bogoshipo :* ,
uda sekian salam2nya lanjutt di entri gue yg slanjt'a aja yaak :DDD

New boyfriend :D

wkt it lg stres2'a nih, gara2si *** kapuk !! brntem2 gt n akhirnya putus, ga lama mantan ak salah kirim sms yg isinya "smw'a salahin k ak, egois bgt si jd cwe" nahlo, shock deh bca tuh sms mksd'a apa coba? ak bls ak blg "nahlo , mksd lo ap ni sms'in gue gni, ad msala ?" dy bls lg " sorry ga, slah krim, eh gmna kbar lo?" .
stlh it srg deh sms'an lg smnjk lama lost contact, dy sring curhat ttg cwe'a ak jg gt k dy, gtw knp gue yg td'a ilfeel ama ni cwo jd suka , eiitzz bru sukaa kok :d , 2 hr yg lalu ni cwo putus am cwe'a, mlem'a dy blg "gue ptus sm cwe gue, gue syg sm lo ga, gue gbs boongin prsaan gue, gue mw lo jd sm gue" eeebuset ni org playboy bgt ga sih ,, bru jg putus ud nembak cwe laen--" . tp gsdr loh sumpaah gue blg "iya" #eeaaaa. makin rumit deh ni urusan, gue hmpir gila mikirin'a krn jujur aj, gue ga syg sm ni org, gue cm suka, cm sebatas "suka" ga lebih. gue jg ga brmaksud buat jdiin dy plampiasan , gak, sm sx gak. Gue cb jalanin ini aja skrg, LDR (lagi) sm dy -.- , LDR gak gmpng loh yah , bgi yg ga tahan kangen mnding jgan coba2 deh ya, makan ati u,u . tp skrg mslh'a di nyokap gue, dy ud ijinin gue pcrn tp satu harus "SEIMAN" !! tuhaaan !! tolong gue !! gue bsa gila deh ni -.- mslh'a ni cwo beda agama ama gue, aaah strezz mikirin'a mending gue makan coklat ! , cauuuu . bye to the next entri :D

Senin, 01 Agustus 2011

Kenapa membenciku ?

Dalam gelap
terdengar suara langkah kakinya menuruni tangga
Aku tak pernah bisa mengingat wajahnya
Hanya lecutan sabuk kulitnya.

Sabuk itu . .
Sabuk yang tak pernah berhenti menyambar tubuhku
Seperti. . .
Rentetan petir dimalam berbadai .

Apa yang telah kulakukan
kenapa begitu membenciku ?
Apa salahku ?
Seseorang yang tak pernah kuanggap manusia.

Aku menelan teriakanku
Sampai tak bisa mendengar apapun lagi
Aku menahan sakit
Sampai tak bisa merasakan lagi . .

kesakitan itu !

Di malam buta tanpa bintang
Dengan sedikit cahaya redup
Dan setetes airmatamu . .

Tidakkah kau melihat ?
Cipratan darahku , Suara teriakan ku
Aku kesakitan !

Ketika kau mengawali lagi
Hariku yang penuh siksaan
Dipagi yang bising oleh suara kehidupan .

Adakah kau dengar ?
Jerit tangisku
aku tersesat dirumahku sendiri .

Seseorang tolong temukan aku.

Minggu, 31 Juli 2011

Hari tak bertuan.

   Dihari tak bertuan malaikat pelindungku tersenyum mendampinggi dengan kotak persembahan ditangannya.
Kemudian menghamparkan permadani di taman dibawah naungan raksasa hijau.
   Dimana kami bisa menikmati semua ketulusan dan kasih sayang.
Namun hari tak bertuan tak pernah datang lagi.
   Karena rajaku adalah penguasa kehidupan dan segala kebebasan yang ada di istananya
Lalu entah mengapa malaikatku tak lagi tersenyum dengan air mata membasahi jubah putihnya
   Dia kembangkan sayapnya dan pergi.
Surga kecilnya telah berubah menjadi neraka, Rajanya telah menjadi iblis.
   Maka ia membekukan hatinya sendiri menjadi batu.
Supaya bisa meninggalkan Aureola-mungilnya yang dikurung di menara. .

Itu adalah dongeng yang kuceritakan pada angin, tapi anginpun tak perduli.

Kamis, 28 April 2011

Speak now - ega- eca

this my video w/ my sister, we sing a song from taylor swift "Speak now". see this okay, gomawo :)

Kamis, 21 April 2011

Swift’s Secret Message

Taylor Swift is really an awesome songwriter! As we know that Swift wrote the song based on the inspiration that she can from her own life experience. Every song that she wrote a message in itself. When you buy a CD of original, in every song texts exist certain letters are intentionally written in capital letters which are prepared in such a way that would constitute a meaningful letter of the song. Check it out ><

Berikut pesan-pesan rahasia yang ada di album pertamanya yang diberi judul “Taylor Swift”, check it out :) :
1. Tim McGraw- Can’t tell me nothing
2. Picture To Burn- Date nice boys
3. Teardrops On My Guitar- He will never know
4. A Place In This World- I found it
5. Cold As You- Time to let go
6. The Outside- You’re not alone
7. Tied Together With A Smile- You are loved 
8. Stay Beautiful- Shake N bake
9. Should’ve Said No- Sam, Sam, Sam, Sam, Sam
10. Mary’s Song (Oh My My My)- Sometimes love is forever
11. Our Song- Live N love
Selanjutnya, berikut adalah pesan-pesan rahasia yang terdapat di album keduanya: Fearless (yang versi Platinumnya):
1. Jump Then Fall- last summer was magical
2. Untouchable- we always want what we can’t reach
3. Forever And Always (piano version)- Still miss who I thought he was
4. Come In With The Rain- I won’t admit that I’d wish you’d come back
5. Superstar- I’ll never tell
6. The Other Side of The Door-What was I really thinking when I slammed door
7. Fearless- I loved you before I met you
8. Fifteen- I cried while recording this
9. Love Story- Someday I’ll find this
10. Hey Stephen- love and theft
11. White Horse- All I ever wanted was the truth
12. You Belong With Me- love is blind so you couldn’t see me
13. Breathe- I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry
14. Tell Me Why- guess I was fooled by your smile
15. You’re not sorry- she can have you
16. The Way I Loved You- we can’t go back
17. Forever And Always- if you play this games, we’re both going to lose
18. The Best Day- God Bless Andrea Swift—mamanya Taylor
19. Change- you made things change for me
Well done, for her latest record album: Speak Now, here’s the secret message and the meaning of it:
1. Mine – Toby. Toby adalah nama seorang actor Amerika yang mana untuknyalah lagu ini ditujukan.
2. Speak Now- you always regret what you don’t say. Sebagaimana salah stu bait liriknya yang bebunyi: speak now or forever hold your peace, lagu ini berkisah tentang seorang gadis yang datang ke sebuah pesta pernikahan pria yang dicintainya untuk membatalkan pernikahan itu. “I am not that kind of girl who should be rudely barging in on a white veiled occasion. But you are not that kind of boy who should be marrying the wrong girl.” Menunjukkan bahwa si gadis tidak ingin si pria menyesal akhirnya karena pernikahan tersebut, dan dia tahu bahwa hanya dialah gadis yang yang cocok untuk si pria. “Don’t say yes, run away now. I’ll meet you when you’re out of the church at the back yard.” Tapi tentu saja hal itu jarang atau bahkan tidak mungkin terjadi di dunia nyata, namun pesan yang terdapat di lagu ini cukup dalam: hal yang akan kamu paling sesali nantinya adalah sesuatu yang tidak kamu katakana ketika kamu punya kesempatan untuk mengatakannya.
3. Sparks Fly- Portland, Oregon. Lagu ini mengenai hubungan singkat yang dialaminya di Portland, Oregon dimana dia jatuh cinta dengan seorang pria dan di lagu ini dia menceritakan setiap detail hal-hal yang dia rindukan dari pria tersebut. “cause I see sparks fly whenever you smile, get me with those green eyes, baby.”What a lovely song. 
4. Enchanted- Adam. Lagu yang ini benar-benar sooo sweet… saya sering berkali-kali memutar ulang lagu ini karena liriknya yang jujur dan romantis. Adam yang dimaksud di lagu ini adalah Adam Young, dari Owl City!!! Dan si Adam sendiri pada hari valentine 2011 menulis di blognya tentang lagu ini dan memberikan balasan dengan membuat cover dari lagu ini. Enchanted menceritakan tentang seorang pria yang bisa membuat Swift merasa nyaman, dan dia ingin mengenal lebih jauh pria tersebut karena dia merasakan koneksi dengan sang pria. Swift juga berharap pria ini tidak sedang jatuuh cinta: “please don’t be in love with someone else, please don’t have somebody waiting on you.
5. Never Grow Up- I moved out in July. Anak kecil yang diceritakan di lagu ini menggambarkan Taylor. Bulan July merupakan bulan dimana dia pindah dari rumahnya dan memulai hidup baru, sendiri di apartemen miliknya. Lagu ini menceritakan bagaimana Taylor berharap tidak pernah tumbuh dewasa agar selalu bisa bersama keluarganya.
6. Better Than Revenge- you thought I would forget. Lagu ini ditujukan untuk Camilla Belle, aktris yang dianggap menjadi sebab putusnya Taylor dengan Joe Jonas. (cowo yang mutusin Taylor lewat telepon). Lagu cukup berani dan menantang, like this song! 
7. Innocent- life is full of little interruptions. Lagu ini mengingatkan kita pada moment saat Kanye West menginterupsi Taylor saat dia sedang mengucapkan pidato kemenangannya di VMAs Awards. Namun bagaimana pun juga Taylor sudah memaafkan Kanye, “who you are is not what you’ve been. You’re still an innocent.”
8. Last kiss- forever and always. Ada 2 kemungkinan makna yang terkandung dalam lagu ini. Pertama, kembali pada lagu Forever And Always di album Fearless, yang berarti lagu ini ditujukan untuk Joe Jonas. Kemungkinan kedua adalah lagu ini secara jujur mengisahkan kisah cintanya pada seorang pria yang dia anggap he is the one! Dan cukup mengejutkan ketika mereka harus berpisah, namun didalam hatinya mereka tetap bersama selamanya—forever and always.
9. Long Live- for you. Lagu ini ditujukan Taylor Swift untu bandnya (Caitlin Evanson, Paul Sidoti, Liz Huett, Al Wilson, Grant Mickelson, Amos dan Mike Meadows) serta fansnya karena telah memberikan motivasi dan semangat. How sweet <3.
10. Haunted- still to this day
11. Back To December- Tay. Lagu ini yang paling romantis menurut saya. Berdasarkan pengakuannya, lagu ini merupakan sebuah permintaan maaf untuk Taylor Lautner.
12. Mean- I thought you got me. Lagu ini ditujukan untuk orang-orang yang menghina Taylor dengan mengatakan bahwa dirinya tidak bisa menyanyi dengan baik. “Drunken groans and all about,How I can’t sing. And all you are is mean. All you are is mean, And a liar, And pathetic, And alone in life.
13. The Story of Us- CMT Awards
14. Dear John- I loved you from the day I met you. Lagu ini ditujukan untuk John Mayer.
thanks for taylor swift which makes the song so comfortable to be heard, and many of the few songs you the same with my life, What a beautifull song thanks for taylor swift which makes the song so comfortable to be heard, and many of the few songs you the same with my life, reallybeautiful song

You're the person who I Love the most "My brother" :')

you, the person I love most, only this time I felt a feeling so great. why I could so love you so much? why did you make me fall too deeply in love. and after that you hurt me. you know? this is a pain most pain I ever felt. but because all this doesn't mean I hate you. you need to know until whenever I'll never be able to hate you, because you are the most precious person in my life. even though you have really hurt me but you also have taught me the real life, without you maybe I'm dead now no longer exists in this world. you who taught me the importance of living for the people I love. and all that you taught me that I will always remember. Now, maybe you're not my boyfriend anymore, but you are my brother. brother who will always protect me, keep me, always there for me, and it is more than enough. I really love you my bro :* ({})

Minggu, 20 Maret 2011

I Love u

you, someone who taught me a life, someone who became my reason to change, my reason to stay alive. I don't know what will happen if I never met you, never know you more closely as it is now, maybe I'm dead. You know ,you're my hero, someone who has saved my life. woke me going all my actions are wrong. you my best friend, but I also loved you more than a best friend. I don't know since when, but after I know you love me too, I can not deny my heart that said "I love you".

Sabtu, 26 Februari 2011

2 negara yg pengen bnget gw datengin, sebelum Korea!

1 . Paris 
tempat paling romantis didunia, ini negara pertama yg pengen gw datengin. tujuan gw ke paris yaitu:
1. Menara Eiffel : bangunan tertinggi di paris. Pengen Candle Light dinner di deket menara eiffel, mimpi gw yg smpe skrg blom kesampean :(

2. Champs-Élysées : dikenal sebagai La plus belle avenue du monde  ("Jalan terindah di dunia"). tujuan utama ak bagian terbawah dari Champs-Élysées dibatasi oleh sebuah taman (Marigny Square) dan bangunan seperti Théâtre Marigny dan Grand Palais (mencakup Palais de la Découverte). Istana Elysée terletak agak ke utara, tidak di avenue tersebut. Jauh ke barat, avenue ini diduduki oleh bioskop, teater, kafe dan restoran (seringnya Fouquet's), dan toko-toko mewah.jalan gandengan dsini gila so sweet bgt , pengn. T.T ,

3.  Opéra Garnier : gedung opera terbesar di paris. pengen nonton opera klasik disana :p

2. Venesia

 ngomongin venesia, pasti uda tw dong spesifik'a venesia it. . yup! Gondola'a . tujuan utama ak ya it, naik gondola di tengah-tengah kota, duduk sebelahan sm pacar kita , dinyanyiin sma musiciannya yg ganteng aih, so sweet bnget gilag . T.T

uda itu gw mau lempar koin di kolam ini, smbil wishes, sp tw terkabul. .  ahahah. .

kalau 2 tempat ini uda bs gw dtengin bru gw mw go to korea . . hahah. . . peace :p

Kamis, 10 Februari 2011


Being a bright light to me living in the darkness
I wish that person would be you
I love you. I’ll love only you
I will cherish these feelings of mine forever
I’d also like to look at only you
The two of us are like one
I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you.

Janet , ririend , egha :)

With Janet , dan ririn. . Ak yang pling ujung kanan. . . haha. . balik dari nonton Volly, ketemu sama janet dkk, di Tp, td'a lg mkan eh akhirnya malah foto", dsar gaje. . ahaha. .

foto di belakang R.multimedia,lg jam pelajaran kosong, bareng anak-anak ips 3 ( oty, desi, aku, tarita, ewa, janet , yola dan ririn). susah naluri photography'a tinggi, smpe" lg jam pljrn aj, pd poto2 . *parah* . ini kita, ini style kita, ini gaya kita, jangan resek, jangan ikut-ikutan. kita ya kita, lo ya lo. suka-suka kita, lo jgn bnyk coment!!

Rabu, 09 Februari 2011

"I love you more than just friend"

if I'm with you,
I feel my heart beating faster than usual.
I felt my heart was going off. .
so, I can not say anything in front of you,
I just keep quiet. .

really, I can not stare your eyes were
that your beautiful eyes
make me silent, silent.
when I looked into your eyes,
I feel there is a different feeling.

I'm confused to express,
so much reason to conceal it,
immense doubts about my feelings to you.
I tried to hide it,.
hide this feeling from you.

I love you,
i think, that's what I really feel. .
I think just feeling a sense of friendship,
I was wrong, I love you,.
love you more than just friend.

"Because i'm With you"

first, as I don't know you.
my life is so dark.
no one cared, so.
all assume I'm just a passing wind.

all consider me as a burden.
I'm not useful at all,
that they said. .
there is no sincere love from them. .
"all is fake".

after I know you,.
I know what the true meaning of love, what a life.
you give me a sincere love .
always there beside me, with me, protect me. .

your eyes, teach me alive.
your smile, give me spirit,.
your hugs, my warmth. .
your heart, give me a Love. .

I love you,.
because you are teaching me.
teach me how to love,
love without falsehood. .

"I don't understand the feelings"

 deep in the heart of the most deeply. .
     in the darkness. .
there is a feeling that can't. .
     can't be deleted. .

take hold. .
     followed like a shadow. .
feelings are so complicated, but,
     actually very simple. .

feeling that can not,.
     Replaced by anything. .

because of that feeling. .
     is something. .
which is very important to me. .

"Have You Ever?"

Have you ever felt,
yourself valuable. .
when everything you loved,.
leave you?. .

did you ever say.
to the world. .
that you had the right,.
to exist,.
to live. .
"for someone". .

have you ever?

"You are My glow"

That day,
the day where I don't feel lonely. .
where I'm no longer alone. .
moment where, I locked in the dark. .
trapped in fear. .

glimmer of light came to irradiate the darkness. .
remove my fears. . 
shine more brightly. . 
than the sun though,.

Will. .
It will continue to shine the light?
the light dims?...

please. .
let keep shining. .
do not.
should never be dimmed. .

don't let me. .
trapped in the dark again. .
feel alone again without you . .

*note:  You Shining in my darkness , Shining Brighter than the sun , you are "My Hero" *

Selasa, 08 Februari 2011


When I look at the sky
the beautifull night sky, .
i saw 1 milion stars, . .
owhowhwoh. . .
But no one of the stars, can shining brighter than you,. .
No one Can Shining brighter than you. .

Do you know,
what i feeling right now?
Do you know,
Why i really afraid ?
. when you say, . Sometimes You will disapear 
, disapear for me, disapear from me . .

You're my glow ,
and it's make me afraid. .
afraid if i will lost you. .
when it happen, i'm in pain ,
i'm in darkness again. .
and i afraid of it. .

Note: This song, is Mine, I make it to someone that i really loved :)

"Because I Love You"

for the first time, I only consider you as a friend ,just friend,no more. but eventually, you're so good to me, care about me, always protect me, listen to all my problems, willing to hurt yourself for me. I began to feel that I love you. but then I just thought the flavor my love to you only love as a best friend. but after all , my love to you getting bigger, especially after you said that you liked me. I am no longer able to hide it. and I tell you "I love you".

My Little besties is My first Love,Come back 2 My Life

hosh. . hosh. .hosh . ..suara Desah nafas Kirarin  . ..yg Berlari tergesa2 ke sekolah barunya . .di SMA Hounan Shibuya. Smpai d dpn pntu gerbang Yg sdh trkunci rpt ,mnandakan sekolah tlh dimulai dn brarti kirarin telat .Tp kirarin tdk khbisan akl, Ia memnjat gerbng blkng skolah, tp sialnya dy dipergoki oleh Pak guru shioji.
_" Kamu murid Baru?" kta pak shioji dg sdkit brteriak. 
_"Iya,bpk tukang kbun dsn ya?tolong jgn bilang2 k guru y pak,klau sy tlat nnt sy ksh komisi" kta kirarin dg sntai. "Apa ktamu,Tukang Kebun??sy gru olahraga dsn!km ank bru tp sdh brn telat,mnjt pgar ,mngatai sy lagi!cpt ikud sy ke ruang kpl skola!" Kata pak shioji dg emosi. 
dg sdikit kaget kirarin menjwb "Maaf pk sy tdk thu!baik pk".

Hari pertm kirarin di sekolah it, sdh mndpt tguran dr kpl skolah. stlh dr ruang kepsek, kirarin diantar kekelasnya di XI IPS 3. gurunya mempersilahkan kirarin memperkenalkan dr .tnp bsa-bsi kirarin lngsung mmprknlkn dr.a tnp canggung,
_"perkenalkan namaku Kirarin asuka, aku pindahan dr buukuro,mohon bntuannya."_
ank2 cowok bersorak2. .mlihat kirarin sitomboy yg cntik msuk k kls mrk. tp hny seorng cowok yg biasa aj dg khdrn kirarin,dy hny diam n meratapi foto seorng bocah lki2 n perempuan d tmn, dy adlh nakahara,si cwok tmpn yg dingin n cuek. 
_"Kirarin km duduk d smping Nakahara"_ kta pak usami smbil mnunjuk bngku kosong d sblh nakahara. 
_"hi Na-chan (pnggilan akrab d jpang) , mhon bntuanya"_kta kirarin smbl trsnyum.
nakahara hnya diam dn dingin. .
_"hei, sombong bnget jd org,diajk ngobrol diam aj!"_kta kirarin dg kesal.
_"hei kirarin,udh lah, nakahara emng gt org.a ,jd jgn diambil hti"_ kta seorng ank perempuan cntik berambut pnjng,smbil tersenyum mnis.
tak brp lama bel istirahat berbunyi. .teng..teng..teng...
_"kirarin-chan, ke kantin yuk sm ak, km blom knl sp2 kn dsn. .ak akn jd tmn prtm km dsn . .hehe"_ kta si gdis cntik td.
_"oh,thanks . .oya nma km sp?"_kta kirarin dg snang
_" ak kazuna. . .:) "_kta.a smbil trsnyum kecil
_"oh , nma yg bgus. .kazu-chan .yuk ke kantin ."_ kirarin mnjwb. .smbil melirik sinis ke nakahara. .

dikantin. .
_"kazu-chan knp c nakahara dingin bngt . .nyebelin bnget tuh cowok!"_ kta kirarin kesal
_" udh la kirarin ,na-chan emng gt, dy dingin bnget,cuek dn kyknya dy gx ska ce deh . .hahaha"_ kazuna menjwb smbl trtwa. .
_"what??hahah. . .masa si??cowok sgnteng dy maho. .haha. ."_ kirarin menimpali,
_"haha . ..just qiding,ya gx mngkn la na-chan maho . .dy tuh co pling keren skligus pling anti cewek ,tp bkn brarti dy maho . .hehe"_ kazuna mjwb smbil mnhn twa.
_"anti cewek??kok bs gt?? . .aneh bnget"_
_"gtw jg de, coba aj lo PDKT sm dy, haha"_
_"PDKT?, gilag, ga bnget. . amit2 de, sma cowok sok kyak dy"_
_" hati2 loh, km ngom gt, ntr kena karma, km malah kejar2 dy , haha"_
_"Amit2"_ kata kirarin smbil memukul2 meja.