Sabtu, 26 Februari 2011

2 negara yg pengen bnget gw datengin, sebelum Korea!

1 . Paris 
tempat paling romantis didunia, ini negara pertama yg pengen gw datengin. tujuan gw ke paris yaitu:
1. Menara Eiffel : bangunan tertinggi di paris. Pengen Candle Light dinner di deket menara eiffel, mimpi gw yg smpe skrg blom kesampean :(

2. Champs-Élysées : dikenal sebagai La plus belle avenue du monde  ("Jalan terindah di dunia"). tujuan utama ak bagian terbawah dari Champs-Élysées dibatasi oleh sebuah taman (Marigny Square) dan bangunan seperti Théâtre Marigny dan Grand Palais (mencakup Palais de la Découverte). Istana Elysée terletak agak ke utara, tidak di avenue tersebut. Jauh ke barat, avenue ini diduduki oleh bioskop, teater, kafe dan restoran (seringnya Fouquet's), dan toko-toko mewah.jalan gandengan dsini gila so sweet bgt , pengn. T.T ,

3.  Opéra Garnier : gedung opera terbesar di paris. pengen nonton opera klasik disana :p

2. Venesia

 ngomongin venesia, pasti uda tw dong spesifik'a venesia it. . yup! Gondola'a . tujuan utama ak ya it, naik gondola di tengah-tengah kota, duduk sebelahan sm pacar kita , dinyanyiin sma musiciannya yg ganteng aih, so sweet bnget gilag . T.T

uda itu gw mau lempar koin di kolam ini, smbil wishes, sp tw terkabul. .  ahahah. .

kalau 2 tempat ini uda bs gw dtengin bru gw mw go to korea . . hahah. . . peace :p

Kamis, 10 Februari 2011


Being a bright light to me living in the darkness
I wish that person would be you
I love you. I’ll love only you
I will cherish these feelings of mine forever
I’d also like to look at only you
The two of us are like one
I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you.

Janet , ririend , egha :)

With Janet , dan ririn. . Ak yang pling ujung kanan. . . haha. . balik dari nonton Volly, ketemu sama janet dkk, di Tp, td'a lg mkan eh akhirnya malah foto", dsar gaje. . ahaha. .

foto di belakang R.multimedia,lg jam pelajaran kosong, bareng anak-anak ips 3 ( oty, desi, aku, tarita, ewa, janet , yola dan ririn). susah naluri photography'a tinggi, smpe" lg jam pljrn aj, pd poto2 . *parah* . ini kita, ini style kita, ini gaya kita, jangan resek, jangan ikut-ikutan. kita ya kita, lo ya lo. suka-suka kita, lo jgn bnyk coment!!

Rabu, 09 Februari 2011

"I love you more than just friend"

if I'm with you,
I feel my heart beating faster than usual.
I felt my heart was going off. .
so, I can not say anything in front of you,
I just keep quiet. .

really, I can not stare your eyes were
that your beautiful eyes
make me silent, silent.
when I looked into your eyes,
I feel there is a different feeling.

I'm confused to express,
so much reason to conceal it,
immense doubts about my feelings to you.
I tried to hide it,.
hide this feeling from you.

I love you,
i think, that's what I really feel. .
I think just feeling a sense of friendship,
I was wrong, I love you,.
love you more than just friend.

"Because i'm With you"

first, as I don't know you.
my life is so dark.
no one cared, so.
all assume I'm just a passing wind.

all consider me as a burden.
I'm not useful at all,
that they said. .
there is no sincere love from them. .
"all is fake".

after I know you,.
I know what the true meaning of love, what a life.
you give me a sincere love .
always there beside me, with me, protect me. .

your eyes, teach me alive.
your smile, give me spirit,.
your hugs, my warmth. .
your heart, give me a Love. .

I love you,.
because you are teaching me.
teach me how to love,
love without falsehood. .

"I don't understand the feelings"

 deep in the heart of the most deeply. .
     in the darkness. .
there is a feeling that can't. .
     can't be deleted. .

take hold. .
     followed like a shadow. .
feelings are so complicated, but,
     actually very simple. .

feeling that can not,.
     Replaced by anything. .

because of that feeling. .
     is something. .
which is very important to me. .

"Have You Ever?"

Have you ever felt,
yourself valuable. .
when everything you loved,.
leave you?. .

did you ever say.
to the world. .
that you had the right,.
to exist,.
to live. .
"for someone". .

have you ever?

"You are My glow"

That day,
the day where I don't feel lonely. .
where I'm no longer alone. .
moment where, I locked in the dark. .
trapped in fear. .

glimmer of light came to irradiate the darkness. .
remove my fears. . 
shine more brightly. . 
than the sun though,.

Will. .
It will continue to shine the light?
the light dims?...

please. .
let keep shining. .
do not.
should never be dimmed. .

don't let me. .
trapped in the dark again. .
feel alone again without you . .

*note:  You Shining in my darkness , Shining Brighter than the sun , you are "My Hero" *

Selasa, 08 Februari 2011


When I look at the sky
the beautifull night sky, .
i saw 1 milion stars, . .
owhowhwoh. . .
But no one of the stars, can shining brighter than you,. .
No one Can Shining brighter than you. .

Do you know,
what i feeling right now?
Do you know,
Why i really afraid ?
. when you say, . Sometimes You will disapear 
, disapear for me, disapear from me . .

You're my glow ,
and it's make me afraid. .
afraid if i will lost you. .
when it happen, i'm in pain ,
i'm in darkness again. .
and i afraid of it. .

Note: This song, is Mine, I make it to someone that i really loved :)

"Because I Love You"

for the first time, I only consider you as a friend ,just friend,no more. but eventually, you're so good to me, care about me, always protect me, listen to all my problems, willing to hurt yourself for me. I began to feel that I love you. but then I just thought the flavor my love to you only love as a best friend. but after all , my love to you getting bigger, especially after you said that you liked me. I am no longer able to hide it. and I tell you "I love you".

My Little besties is My first Love,Come back 2 My Life

hosh. . hosh. .hosh . ..suara Desah nafas Kirarin  . ..yg Berlari tergesa2 ke sekolah barunya . .di SMA Hounan Shibuya. Smpai d dpn pntu gerbang Yg sdh trkunci rpt ,mnandakan sekolah tlh dimulai dn brarti kirarin telat .Tp kirarin tdk khbisan akl, Ia memnjat gerbng blkng skolah, tp sialnya dy dipergoki oleh Pak guru shioji.
_" Kamu murid Baru?" kta pak shioji dg sdkit brteriak. 
_"Iya,bpk tukang kbun dsn ya?tolong jgn bilang2 k guru y pak,klau sy tlat nnt sy ksh komisi" kta kirarin dg sntai. "Apa ktamu,Tukang Kebun??sy gru olahraga dsn!km ank bru tp sdh brn telat,mnjt pgar ,mngatai sy lagi!cpt ikud sy ke ruang kpl skola!" Kata pak shioji dg emosi. 
dg sdikit kaget kirarin menjwb "Maaf pk sy tdk thu!baik pk".

Hari pertm kirarin di sekolah it, sdh mndpt tguran dr kpl skolah. stlh dr ruang kepsek, kirarin diantar kekelasnya di XI IPS 3. gurunya mempersilahkan kirarin memperkenalkan dr .tnp bsa-bsi kirarin lngsung mmprknlkn dr.a tnp canggung,
_"perkenalkan namaku Kirarin asuka, aku pindahan dr buukuro,mohon bntuannya."_
ank2 cowok bersorak2. .mlihat kirarin sitomboy yg cntik msuk k kls mrk. tp hny seorng cowok yg biasa aj dg khdrn kirarin,dy hny diam n meratapi foto seorng bocah lki2 n perempuan d tmn, dy adlh nakahara,si cwok tmpn yg dingin n cuek. 
_"Kirarin km duduk d smping Nakahara"_ kta pak usami smbil mnunjuk bngku kosong d sblh nakahara. 
_"hi Na-chan (pnggilan akrab d jpang) , mhon bntuanya"_kta kirarin smbl trsnyum.
nakahara hnya diam dn dingin. .
_"hei, sombong bnget jd org,diajk ngobrol diam aj!"_kta kirarin dg kesal.
_"hei kirarin,udh lah, nakahara emng gt org.a ,jd jgn diambil hti"_ kta seorng ank perempuan cntik berambut pnjng,smbil tersenyum mnis.
tak brp lama bel istirahat berbunyi. .teng..teng..teng...
_"kirarin-chan, ke kantin yuk sm ak, km blom knl sp2 kn dsn. .ak akn jd tmn prtm km dsn . .hehe"_ kta si gdis cntik td.
_"oh,thanks . .oya nma km sp?"_kta kirarin dg snang
_" ak kazuna. . .:) "_kta.a smbil trsnyum kecil
_"oh , nma yg bgus. .kazu-chan .yuk ke kantin ."_ kirarin mnjwb. .smbil melirik sinis ke nakahara. .

dikantin. .
_"kazu-chan knp c nakahara dingin bngt . .nyebelin bnget tuh cowok!"_ kta kirarin kesal
_" udh la kirarin ,na-chan emng gt, dy dingin bnget,cuek dn kyknya dy gx ska ce deh . .hahaha"_ kazuna menjwb smbl trtwa. .
_"what??hahah. . .masa si??cowok sgnteng dy maho. .haha. ."_ kirarin menimpali,
_"haha . ..just qiding,ya gx mngkn la na-chan maho . .dy tuh co pling keren skligus pling anti cewek ,tp bkn brarti dy maho . .hehe"_ kazuna mjwb smbil mnhn twa.
_"anti cewek??kok bs gt?? . .aneh bnget"_
_"gtw jg de, coba aj lo PDKT sm dy, haha"_
_"PDKT?, gilag, ga bnget. . amit2 de, sma cowok sok kyak dy"_
_" hati2 loh, km ngom gt, ntr kena karma, km malah kejar2 dy , haha"_
_"Amit2"_ kata kirarin smbil memukul2 meja.


Senin, 07 Februari 2011

My sweetheart

kimbum aja kalah ama dy, senyum'a, mata'a , masi indahan pacar gw drpd kim bum, *maaf ya bummie* . ak syang bngt sm dy, gtw gmn bsa, tp yg jlas, ak emng uda kena racun'a x . . haha. . seriously , klo dy kedipin mata, aduh jantung gw mw copot . Dy ngelindungin gw slalu ad buat gw, prduli sma gw, dy udah kyak Guardian angel buat gw :) , I LOVE YOU JUST THE WAY YOU ARE MY HERO :p